In a joint venture with the IV Postgraduate Conference, the journal Dos Algarves. A Multidisciplinary e-Journal (online publication by ESGHT) will publish two types of scientific paper presented at the conference:

1. ARTICLES (3000 to 7000 words) to be submitted until October, 30th, 2013.

2. EXTENDED ABSTRACTS (1000 to 2500 words) to be submitted until August, 31st, 2013.

After receiving notification of acceptance of their abstract for oral or poster presentation, authors may submit paper proposals or extended abstracts to the Dos Algarves. A Multidisciplinary e-Journal in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French.

Extended abstracts will be published online in a new section of the Dos Algarves. A Multidisciplinary e-Journal website under the title WORKING PAPERS.

The best papers will be selected by a double-blind peer review process and will published as academic articles in issue 24 of the journal (April/May 2014)

The best extended abstracts will be published online in a new section of the site Dos Algarves. A Multidisciplinary e-Journal under the title WORKING PAPERS until October, 30th, 2013.

The Working Papers section provides an opportunity for researchers in the areas of the Postgraduate Conference to make their recent work freely available to the rest of the research community. By making these papers available for download via the Internet, we hope to encourage discussion and debate, stimulate research, and help the authors to obtain constructive feedback.

The Working Papers from the Postgraduate Conference reflect work in progress and may consist of work being prepared for publication in a journal or book. They will not be subject to the very rigorous process of peer review. Nevertheless, the Working Papers aim to publish only papers which meet a high academic standard. Therefore, papers which are proposed will be reviewed by two members of the journal’s scientific committee.

Submission guidelines

1. Articles to be published in issue 24 of the journal Dos Algarves. A Multidisciplinary e-Journal
Submissions may be focused on presentation of research aims and research design, literature review, methodology or on research results (if there are any).

Please consult Guidelines for Submission available in (in Portuguese and in English).

2. Extended abstracts to be published as WORKING PAPERS
Extended abstracts should following the following general guidelines:
- Text: between 1.000 e 2.500 words (excluding tables, graphics, and references);
- The text should be divided into numbered sections and subsections (e.g. introduction, literature review/theoretical framework, methodology, results, conclusion)
- References should follow author: date system.

Please consult the Guidelines for Submission for more detailed information at the journal website or send an email to the editors: and We are looking forward to receiving your proposals.