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Author Guidelines

Deadline for Abstract (up to 250 words + 5 keywords) or paper submission (up to 6000 words + 5 keywords) is June 15, 2013 (this deadline has been extended to June 30) Abstracts or Papers (one of the two is mandatory) may be written in one of the following languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish.Papers should not exceed 6000 words (Microsoft Word format, font Garamond 11, spacing 1.15) including References. Each paper must include a short abstract of up to 150 words and 5 keywords in its original language. If its original language is Portuguese or Spanish it must include also an abstract and keywords in English.


Submission Preparation Checklist

  1. The submission of abstracts or papers for this conference is made on the condition that submitted works must be original, free of plagiarism and have not been published previously nor are currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. The authors implicitly declare that they transfer the copyright of their submitted work to the SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE ALGARVE and give their agreement to the publication and diffusion through print, electronic means and others, including national and international scientific databases as well as institutional repositories.
  2. The rejection of the submitted proposal for publication implies the automatic extinction of the transfer of copyright to the SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE ALGARVE.
  3. Each paper or abstract must include its title in English if this is not its original language.
  4. Each paper should have its own internal structure, preferably with introduction and objectives, literature review, methodology, discussion and conclusion, as well as bibliographic references.
  5. The author (or authors) should send short curriculum vitae (maximum of five lines) including: name, address, e-mail, telephone number, academic degree, professional status, department and university.
  6. Tables, graphs and figures must be included in the text as well as delivered separately in the program format in which they were created.
  7. The papers are of sole responsibility of their authors.
  8. Bibliographic references should comply with the APA style:
  9. Formatting should be made according to the following template: template.

Copyright Notice

The submission of proposals for this conference can be made with or without transfer of copyright in the following terms:

a) The submission of proposals for this conference is made on the condition that submitted works must be original, free of plagiarism and have not been published previously nor are currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. The authors implicitly declare that they transfer the copyright of their submitted work to the SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE ALGARVE and give their agreement to the publication and diffusion through print, electronic means and others, including national and international scientific databases as well as institutional repositories.
The rejection of the submitted proposal for publication implies the automatic extinction of the transfer of copyright to the SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE ALGARVE .

b) If authors do not wish to transfer copyright to the SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE ALGARVE, they must express their wish by e-mail or letter and send it to the above-mentioned institution (conference e-mail address or institutional address). The confirmation of the reception of this e-mail or letter validates the authors wish of not transferring any copyright and consequently his/her work will not be published.

Copyright © 2013. University of the Algarve, School of Management, Hospitality and Tourism. Campus da Penha, Faro, Portugal.